Association News

The trend of furniture industry


       For many years, Taiwan has stood tall as a bastion of manufacturing, with our furniture industry being a hallmark of that legacy. Taiwan's furniture sector has achieved notable successes, securing a firm foothold on the global stage. However, given the evolving global economic landscape, inflation, and changing consumer preferences, it's imperative for our manufacturers to consistently adapt and innovate to remain at the forefront.

       We are glad to invite Mr.Sam Chen , Honorary Chairman of the Taiwan Furniture Manufacturer Association(TFMA), to express his views on the future development of Taiwan's furniture industry. The highlights are as follows:

       Environmental Sustainability: As global awareness of environmental issue increases, there’s an escalating demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products. Embracing green materials and methodologies not only safeguards our planet but also aligns with international market demands.

       Smart Home Furniture: The technological surge, paired with the internet’s ubiquity, has opened new horizons for the furniture domain. Future furniture, endowed with smart sensors, could offer adaptability and automation, enhancing both user convenience and comfort. Moreover, virtual reality might revolutionise furniture design.

       Customization: Tailor-made furniture is poised to be a dominant trend. A growing number of consumers, particularly the younger demographic, seek to articulate their unique identities through their furniture choices.

       Global Market Outreach: While Taiwanese furniture has garnered international acclaim, there’s ample room for growth. Engaging in global furniture expos via our association can further amplify our export endeavours.

       Educational Initiatives and Skill Development: To cater to emerging demands and innovate, Taiwan must champion the education of the ensuing generation, fostering top-notch designers that elevate our industry's global standing.

       The Rise of the Pet Kingdom: 2022 data highlighted an interesting trend: the number of registered pets in Taiwan outstripped newborns. As pets increasingly become beloved family members, the realm of pet furniture beckons as a burgeoning market opportunity.

In summation, while the horizon for Taiwan’s furniture sector remains luminous, it behoves us to relentlessly innovate, attuning ourselves to the mutable market dynamics and consumer desires. Together, let us navigate this journey with vigor.

Source: TFMA


