Industry news

Joe Chang was elected as the chairman of the 7th TWMA, hoping to strengthen the enterprise's constitution through talent cultivation and digital marketing


       Taiwan Woodworking Machinery Industry Association (TWMA) held an extraordinary general meeting on February 18 at the Fengyuan Li Yan Banquet Hall. During the meeting, the most important thing was to elect a new team of directors and supervisors. Joe Chang, the general manager of Kuang Yung Machinery, was successfully elected as the chairman of the board, James Lin , the general manager of Jun Shiau machinery and Ian Chang , the general manager of INNOVATOR Machinery both were  elected as the vice-chairman of the board. In his speech, Joe said that Taiwan's woodworking machinery exports grew by 21.49% in 2020 and 28% in 2021 against the trend. These impressive achievements are the results of the concerted efforts of Taiwan's woodworking machinery manufacturers. Looking forward to the future, Joe hopes to develop talents and digital marketing. Strengthen the corporate constitution, so that Taiwan's woodworking machinery industry can continue to lead and reach new heights.

By NewsWin (星宇傳媒)

